2023 Class Schedule for The Farmington Farmers & Artisans Market!

Jean will be teaching monthly gardening & cooking classes May through October at the beautiful Farmington Farmers & Artisans Market!

Class Descriptions & Dates!

May 13th, Mothers Day Weekend

Container Gardening with Herbs: Learn how-to make & grow an herb garden planter! 

The container gardener is limited only by your imagination! Whether you have a large garden, raised beds, or the smallest patio or balcony, Jean will show you how you can reap a crop of herbs. It’s all in the harvesting friends! Today Jean Roman will showcase how you can create thriving herb containers you’ll be able to bring in during the winter as well, if you choose! Whether you are an experienced or novice gardener, this class will be loads of fun with tons of great information!

Learn how to make easy freezer strawberry jam!

June 17th

It’s strawberry season in Michigan friends! Join Jean Roman as she teaches you how easy it is to make homemade freezer strawberry jam! Recipe will be included. Roman will have her popular cookbook, Lovingly Seasoned Eats and Treats available at a discounted price for attendees today. Samples will be provided.

How-to Make Homemade Pesto

July 8th, 2023

Easy & Delicious Pesto Sauce- How to make & preserve it! Jean Roman, Author, Podcaster, & Self-professed Master Gardener will teach you how to make her delicious & incredibly easy Pesto recipe, and how to preserve it so you can have it all winter long. She will share tips on how to grow & stimulate continued growth of your plants. Roman will have her popular cookbook, Lovingly Seasoned Eats and Treats available at a discounted price for attendees today. Samples will be provided.

Plan your fall garden now! Lettuces, spinach, kale, broccoli, & more!

August 5th, 2023

Did you know you can continue growing delicious, fresh veggies late into the fall? Well, you can even here in Michigan. All you need to know is the right crops to plant, and how to care for them. Join Jean Roman as she guides you through the steps of preparing for a bountiful fall garden.

How-to Make Marinara Sauce

September 23rd, 2023

Homemade Marinara Sauce- How to make & preserve summer’s bounty! Jean Roman, Author, Podcaster, & Self-professed Master Gardener will teach you how to make her delicious & incredibly easy Marinara sauce recipe from your homegrown tomatoes. Don’t grow your own? That’s ok, Jean will share how you can purchase large quantities at your local farmers market. She will have her popular cookbook, Lovingly Seasoned Eats and Treats available at a discounted price for attendees today. Samples will be provided.

October 15th

Fall Garden Clean Up: 10 Step How-to Fall Vegetable Garden Clean Up

Cleaning up your fall vegetable garden is an important step in preparing for next year’s crop. By removing dead or diseased plants, clearing debris, and adding compost and organic matter to the soil, you can improve the health of your soil and reduce the risk of pests and diseases for years to come. Jean Roman will go over her easy 10 Step How-to Fall Vegetable Garden Clean Up.

Are you looking for some fun? Well look no further…

If you haven’t been following me on my Facebook page, well then you’ve been missing a load of fun. I share links to all my blog posts, YouTube videos, Podcast recordings, Facebook live moments when I’m out & about.

Be sure to stop by so you don’t miss a beat! See you there friends, and be sure to “Hi!” in the comments!

CLICK each photo to see the blog post that goes with it!

If you enjoyed this blog, please LIKE, Follow, Share & leave me a comment! I love your feedback!

If you aren’t following me on Facebook & Instagram go on over & give a LIKE & Follow me for daily tips & tricks for your home & garden! 

Added bonus: You can go to my blog at http://www.fordragonfliesandme.com to purchase my original cookbook, Lovingly Seasoned Eats and Treats in either a spiral bound soft cover OR NEW, a Downloadable PDF version. The cookbook has almost 1000 recipes on almost 500 pages! Check out the Cookbook Testimonials while you’re there!

Until next time remember to,
Eat fresh, shop local & have a happy day,


Copyright Policy

All text and images on this site are copyright of For Dragonflies And Me. Unless otherwise noted, you may not use this content.

2023 Class Schedule for Goldner Walsh Garden & Home

Jean will be teaching monthly beginning in April classes at beautiful Goldner Walsh Garden & Home.

Class Descriptions & Dates!

Raised Bed Gardening

April 8, 2023

Raised Bed Gardening: Why raised beds are so much easier to use & grow your veggies in! Jean Roman, Author, Podcaster, & Self-professed Master Gardener will show you why raised beds are more efficient to use for home gardeners. Raised beds offer less weeding, less watering, and eliminates the need for tilling! You’ll wonder why you haven’t been gardening this way! 

Heirloom Vegetables

May 6, 2023

Heirloom Vegetables: What is an Heirloom & why should you plant them? Jean Roman, Author, Podcaster, & Self-professed Master Gardener will discuss the value of Heirloom seeds & plants regarding their bio-diversity, natural disease resistance, along with some of her favorite varieties she has grown for over 20 years! She will also discuss the benefits of companion planting and how Heirlooms benefit from it.

Learn how to make easy freezer strawberry jam!

June 10th

It’s strawberry season in Michigan friends! Join Jean Roman as she teaches you how easy it is to make homemade freezer strawberry jam! Recipe will be included. Roman will have her popular cookbook, Lovingly Seasoned Eats and Treats available at a discounted price for attendees today. Samples will be provided.

Plan your fall garden now! Lettuces, spinach, kale, broccoli, & more!

July 15th

Did you know you can continue growing delicious, fresh veggies late into the fall? Well, you can even here in Michigan. All you need to know is the right crops to plant, and how to care for them. Join Jean Roman as she guides you through the steps of preparing for a bountiful fall garden.

How-to Make Marinara Sauce

August 26, 2023

Homemade Marinara Sauce- How to make & preserve summer’s bounty! Jean Roman, Author, Podcaster, & Self-professed Master Gardener will teach you how to make her delicious & incredibly easy Marinara sauce recipe from your homegrown tomatoes. Don’t grow your own? That’s ok, Jean will share how you can purchase large quantities at your local farmers market. She will have her popular cookbook, Lovingly Seasoned Eats and Treats available at a discounted price for attendees today. Samples will be provided.

How-to Make Homemade Pesto

September 9th, 2023

Easy & Delicious Pesto Sauce- How to make & preserve it! Jean Roman, Author, Podcaster, & Self-professed Master Gardener will teach you how to make her delicious & incredibly easy Pesto recipe, and how to preserve it so you can have it all winter long. She will share tips on how to grow & stimulate continued growth of your plants. Roman will have her popular cookbook, Lovingly Seasoned Eats and Treats available at a discounted price for attendees today. Samples will be provided.

October 15th

Fall Garden Clean Up: 10 Step How-to Fall Vegetable Garden Clean Up

Cleaning up your fall vegetable garden is an important step in preparing for next year’s crop. By removing dead or diseased plants, clearing debris, and adding compost and organic matter to the soil, you can improve the health of your soil and reduce the risk of pests and diseases for years to come. Jean Roman will go over her easy 10 Step How-to Fall Vegetable Garden Clean Up.

November 2023

Stay tuned for more information coming for my November Class!

Gardening 101 Day 24~ How-to Store Your Asparagus Crowns Before You’re Ready to Plant Them!

“You are also far less likely to waste food when you have nurtured it from a seed into a plant.” — Darina Allen

Asparagus is one of my favorite vegetables. It’s tall wispy stalks teasing to cut back and cook on a grill slathered with thyme infused olive oil… oh yum. Spring’s bounty can’t come quickly enough!

As many of you follow me on Facebook and Instagram know, I just recently received my Purple Passion and Martha Washington asparagus crowns. Well, I certainly am not ready to plant these beauties, and I need to make sure they remain moist and viable for when I am ready to plant them.

Check out my video at my YouTube Channel!

Here’s my easy step by step on how to store your asparagus crowns!

Here is a super quick and easy tutorial on how to store your asparagus crowns if you receive them before you are ready to plant them. Be sure to check out my blog on How-to Plant and Care for Asparagus if you missed it!

Step 1: Carefully remove the asparagus crowns from packaging, making sure not to cut any of the roots when opening.

Step 2: Take 4 to 5 sheets of paper towel and stack together, then get them wet; wring out about 90 percent of the water.

Step 3: Place the wet paper towels on your counter or table; Carefully layer the asparagus crowns on the center of the sheets.

Step 4: Carefully fold the wet paper towels over the crowns like an envelope.

Step 5: Place the packaged asparagus crowns into a zip lock type storage bag; carefully press out most of the air being sure not to press on the crowns.

Step 6: Place the package in your vegetable crisper drawer or in the fridge in a location they won’t get crushed or banged around. 

Be sure to let your family members know what they are and to be careful.

Check the package weekly to make sure the paper towels are still damp. If they begin to dry out, repeat the process being careful not to damage the crowns or roots.

Once you are ready to plant your asparagus crowns, remove them from the packaging and follow my planting instructions found at my blog post!

If you enjoyed this blog, please LIKE, Follow, Share & leave me a comment! I love your feedback!

If you aren’t following me on Facebook & Instagram go on over & give a LIKE & Follow me for daily tips & tricks for your home & garden! 

Added bonus: You can go to my blog at http://www.fordragonfliesandme.com to purchase my original cookbook, Lovingly Seasoned Eats and Treats in either a spiral bound soft cover OR NEW, a Downloadable PDF version. The cookbook has almost 1000 recipes on almost 500 pages! Check out the Cookbook Testimonials while you’re there!

Until next time remember to,
Eat fresh, shop local & have a happy day,


Copyright Policy

All text and images on this site are copyright of For Dragonflies And Me. Unless otherwise noted, you may not use this content.