Gardening 101 Day 2: Where do I order my Heirloom seeds from? See how-to on my YouTube Channel!

“Seeds are a gift of nature, of past generations and diverse cultures. It is our inherent duty and responsibility to protect them and to pass them on to future generations. They are the first link in the food chain, the embodiment of biological and cultural diversity and the repository of life’s future evolution.” — Manifesto on the Future of Seed

Now is the time when gardeners yearn and long for the arrival of those beautiful seed catalogs! As they begin to appear in our mailboxes we gather them together, cozy up with a fuzzy blanket on our favorite chair,  a cup of java and notebook ready to start making our lists of ‘new’ varieties!

We flip the pages longing  for the life that spring and summer bring. We pine away for the first shoots of rhubarb, then all too soon the green stalks of asparagus spring forth.  Memories of summer…  prickly cucumbers, the scratchy leaves of that notorious zucchini plant and getting our hands stained green from picking those luscious Heirloom tomatoes… those wonderful memories. Super Italian Paste for our homemade spaghetti sauces… Green Zebra, Pineapple, Paul Robeson and Yellow Brandywine to create a festive fresh salsa…oh my!

Would you like a chance to win a FREE copy of my popular cookbook, Lovingly Seasoned Eats and Treats? Well, head over to my YouTube Channel and watch to learn how you can win a copy! It will be loads of fun!

Join me at my YouTube Channel to watch this great video on Where to order your Heirloom seeds from. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my blog here, at at my YT Channel so you don’t miss a beat!

Until next time friends,
Eat Fresh, Shop Local, & Have a Happy Day,