How-to start Basil From Stem Cuttings

“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul. ” Alfred Austin

This is a really handy dandy way to get the most bang for your buck when purchasing basil plants. If you notice, when you purchase a planter with basil, there are multiple stems. Sometimes as many as 10. That in reality means there are 10 basil plants in that container. You have a couple options depending on how many plants you would like to have. 

First, you can simply and very carefully separate each of the stems, be careful not to harm the roots and replant each one. I advise trimming back some of the larger leaves so the plant’s energy will go into root development rather than trying to keep those leaves alive.

The second is what I am going to show you how to do. Let’s roll friends! Check out my easy tutorial here at my YouTube Channel!

Here’s the how to for growing basil from stem cuttings!

Step 1:

Carefully remove the plants from the container and separate each stem as best as possible.

Step 2:

Take each stem and cut it on an angle below the second set of true leaves; place in a container of water; repeat this process with each stem until you have them all done. You may need several containers of water to hold each one. I used food storage containers but anything will work as long as it is at least 2 inches deep. Be sure to keep fresh water for your stem cutting. Change the water or add every couple days as you see is needed.


Step 3:

Take the remaining stems with roots attached and plant in organic soil; water regularly until new growth appears.

Step 4:

After a root system begins to appear, you will transplant them into containers with a good organic planting medium.

PRO TIP: Other containers you could use are yogurt containers, sour cream or chip containers, etc.

When you are ready to start gardening, simply transplant your seedlings into their summer homes.

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Until next time remember to,
Eat fresh, shop local & have a happy day,


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