Gardening 101~ From Seed to Sprout: Teaching Kids the Importance of Growing Their Own Food

“Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get.”  H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

If you have been following me for any amount of time here, at my podcast, YouTube, or my social media platforms, you know I am a huge advocate for including kids in both the kitchen & the garden. Today I am going to give you some ideas on how to incorporate fun activities for kids, as well as discuss some of the benefits to kids helping grown their own food!

Over the years you’ve seen my kids grow up in the garden and the kitchen. They have helped in the soil & bed preparation, seed & plant purchasing, greenhouse work, planting the seeds and seedlings, and then tending to them until they finally bear the fruit of their labor!

Sure my kids grumbled about the weeding & harvesting, but overall they had fun and learned so much! Now lets look at the benefits of getting your kids out into the garden!

Let’s look at the benefits of including our kids in the process of gardening!

What are Some of the Benefits of Teaching Kids to Grow Their Own Food?

Besides the obvious of promoting a healthier lifestyle, it encourages them to eat more fruits and vegetables because they grew them. When kids are involved in the process of growing their own food, they are more likely to try new things and develop a taste for fresh produce. Letting your kids help pick out the seeds or plants at the nursery is a great way to get them excited about not only gardening, but eating what they grew!

In addition to the health benefits, it’s also a great way to get them outside and active. Gardening is a physical activity that can help improve their coordination, balance, and overall fitness.

Gardening can be a valuable learning experience for kids. It helps them develop important skills such as responsibility, patience, and problem-solving. They learn about the life cycle of plants, the importance of soil and nutrients, and the effects of weather and climate on growth. 

Getting kids in the garden also is a great way to teach kids about sustainability and the environment. It encourages them to think about where their food comes from and to appreciate the hard work that goes into producing it.

How Do You Start a Garden with Kids?

Get dirt, seeds & plants! Starting a garden with kids can be a fun and exciting project for the whole family. Whether you have a large backyard or just a small balcony, there are plenty of ways to get started. The first step is to choose a location that gets plenty of sunlight and has good soil drainage. 

If you’re starting a garden in a small space, consider using containers or raised beds. This can make it easier for kids to reach the plants and can help prevent damage from pests.

Have the kids help you decide what you want to grow! Let them help you choose the seeds by going through seed catalogs and even more fun, take them to the greenhouse to purchase the plants you want to grow. Be sure to bring a catalog that shows a wide variety of pictures so the kids can see what the final product will look like! 

It’s important to choose plants that are easy to grow and maintain. Some great options for kids include tomatoes, green beans, potatoes, lettuce, carrots, and strawberries. You can also consider growing herbs such as basil, parsley or mint, which can be used in cooking and can be a fun sensory experience for kids. You can show them how to use the mint to make tea!

Be Sure to Choose the Right Plants for Kids to Grow!

When choosing seeds & plants for your kids to grow, it’s important to consider their age and skill level. Younger children may enjoy planting fast-growing seeds like beans or radishes & even sunflowers! Older children may be ready to tackle more challenging plants like tomatoes or peppers. 

It’s also important to consider the climate and growing conditions in your area. Some plants may require more sunlight or water than others, so be sure to choose plants that will thrive in your specific location.

What are the Appropriate Gardening Tools for Kids?

Remember they are kids, so again think about age appropriateness. Having the right tools can make gardening a lot easier and more enjoyable for kids. Some essential tools include gloves, trowels, watering cans, and pruning shears. 

It’s also important to choose tools appropriately sized for your child & that are easy for them to use. You can also consider purchasing child-sized gardening tools, which are designed to fit smaller hands and make gardening more comfortable. 

There are also child sized rakes, and shovels that will make your child feel extra special. Be sure to get them their own padded knee pad as well!

Watering and Caring for the Garden is an Important Task to Understand!

Watering and caring for the garden is an important part of the growing process. Kids can learn about the importance of watering plants regularly and how to tell when plants need water. They can also learn about the effects of weather and climate on plant growth. It’s important to teach kids about pests and diseases that can harm plants and how to prevent and treat them.

Weeding is never a fun part of gardening, but if you utilize containers or raised beds and mulch, it will make the watering & weeding process much more enjoyable for everyone!

You should also teach your kids how to watch for harmful insects, as well as teaching them about the good bugs. They need to learn to never kill a praying mantis or ladybug, but to destroy tomato worms & squash bugs. You can make this a fun project for a rainy day by showing them gardening books or looking up the information online! 

You can see my blog on Companion Planting and Beneficial Insects here!

Now for the Best Part… Harvesting and Using the Produce

You & the kids have worked so hard and now it’s time to reap what you’ve sown! Harvesting & using what you’ve grown is by far the most rewarding part of gardening. Kids can learn about different ways to prepare and cook the fruits and vegetables they’ve grown. 

This can be a great opportunity to teach them about healthy eating habits and the importance of a balanced diet. You can also encourage them to share their produce with friends, family, & neighbors which can be a fun way to spread the joy of gardening.

My son Aaron below is making homemade Strawberry Rhubarb Dump Cake from the rhubarb we harvested from our garden!

Here are a Few Fun Gardening Activities for You & Your Kids

Whether you are homeschooling your kids and want to use gardening as part of your curriculum, or just want to show your kids the joys you maybe had growing up, gardening can be a fun and creative activity for kids. 

You can incorporate art and sensory activities into the gardening process to make it even more engaging. For example, kids can create garden markers using rocks or popsicle sticks. They can also create a sensory garden by planting different textures and fragrances. Gardening can also be a great way to teach kids about the different colors of fruits and vegetables.

Another really fun activity is to plant a sunflower tent! See my blog here for the fun & easy how-to!

Here are a few of my previous blog posts on how to incorporate kids into the garden!

Bringing Children in the Garden with some yummy recipes! 

Children’s Garden’s & More Themes!

If you enjoyed this blog, please LIKE, Follow, Share & leave me a comment! I love your feedback!

If you aren’t following me on Facebook & Instagram go on over & give a LIKE & Follow me for daily tips & tricks for your home & garden! 

Added bonus: You can go to my blog at to purchase my original cookbook, Lovingly Seasoned Eats and Treats in either a spiral bound soft cover OR NEW, a Downloadable PDF version. The cookbook has almost 1000 recipes on almost 500 pages! Check out the Cookbook Testimonials while you’re there!

Until next time remember to,
Eat fresh, shop local & have a happy day,


Copyright Policy

All text and images on this site are copyright of For Dragonflies And Me. Unless otherwise noted, you may not use this content.

What Are The Benefits to Incorporating a School Garden?

“Change the food in the schools and we can influence how children think. Change the curriculum and teach them how to garden and how to cook and we can show that growing food and cooking and eating together give lasting richness, meaning, and beauty to our lives.” ― Alice Waters

If you have been following me for any length of time, you know I am an advocate for kids in the garden. Over the years, you’ve watched my children grow in my gardens helping to build new raised beds, harvesting the crops, and finally helping prepare the fruits of our labors in the kitchen. 

I believe every school in the country should have a school garden in order to teach our children where food comes from. I will be discussing in upcoming blogs how to incorporate kids in the garden, as well as the anonymity of food in our culture today. This is the main reason why I think it is crucial to incorporate school gardens!’

Thankfully, school gardens have become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. Incorporating a garden into a school’s curriculum can have a range of benefits for students, teachers, and the wider community. 

In today’s blog post, I am going to provide you with the many benefits of incorporating a school garden and why it’s a worthwhile investment for any educational institution.

Now let’s look at the many benefits school gardens can have!

Let’s Look at the Academic Benefits of School Gardens!

School gardens have the ability to provide a hands-on and engaging way for students to learn about science, math, and other subjects. For example, students can learn about the life cycle of plants, the importance of pollination, and the role of soil nutrients in plant growth. They can also use math skills to measure the growth of plants and calculate the amount of water and fertilizer needed. 

School gardens also provide an opportunity to help students develop critical thinking skills as they problem-solve and make decisions about garden design, plant selection, and pest management.

Besides enhancing academic learning, school gardens can also foster teamwork, leadership, and communication skills. Students can work in groups to plan and plant the garden, share responsibilities for watering and weeding, and harvest the produce. They can also take on leadership roles by leading garden tours, organizing fundraising events, and teaching younger students about gardening. Through these activities, students can develop a sense of responsibility, confidence, and teamwork.

What are Some of the Potential Health Benefits of School Gardens?

School gardens can promote healthy eating habits and improve overall health. When kids can  grow their own fruits and vegetables, they now have the opportunity to learn about the nutritional value of different foods and develop a taste for fresh, healthy produce. They can also learn about the benefits of eating a variety of fruits and vegetables and the importance of balanced diets.

School gardens can help address issues of food insecurity and promote healthy eating habits among students and their families. The produce grown in the garden can be used in school meals or donated to local food banks, providing fresh and nutritious food to those in need. By involving families in the garden project, schools can also encourage parents and caregivers to incorporate healthy foods into their own meals.

And let’s face it… kids are more likely to try something they decided to grow!

What are Some of the Potential Environmental Benefits of School Gardens?

School gardens can promote environmental awareness and encourage sustainable practices. By learning about the importance of soil health, water conservation, and biodiversity, students can develop a sense of stewardship for the environment. They can also learn about the impact of human activities on the environment and ways to reduce their ecological footprint.

Moreover, school gardens can provide habitat for wildlife and attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies. By planting native species and avoiding the use of pesticides and herbicides, school gardens can help support local ecosystems and promote biodiversity.

This is another opportunity to teach kids about the benefits of organic gardening and incorporating companion planting, rather than using harmful chemicals.

Can the Local Community Benefit From School Gardens?

The answer to this question is a responding YES! School gardens have the ability to serve as a valuable resource for the wider community. By donating produce to local food banks or hosting community events such as farmers’ markets or garden tours, schools can help promote healthy eating habits and support local food systems. 

They can also serve as a gathering place for community members, fostering social connections and community involvement.

School gardens can also provide opportunities for intergenerational learning and mentorship. By involving older adults or community members with gardening experience, schools can create meaningful connections between generations and promote lifelong learning.

That Sounds Great! Now, How can I Help Start a School Garden in my Community?

Starting a school garden can seem daunting, but with the right resources and support, it can be a rewarding and successful project. Here are some steps to get started:

Get support from school administrators, teachers, and parents. Starting a school garden requires buy-in from all stakeholders, as well as support for funding and maintenance.

Find a suitable location for the garden. Look for a sunny, well-drained area with access to water and close to the school. Ensure that the site is safe and accessible for students.

Develop a garden plan. Consider the garden’s size, layout, and design, as well as the types of plants to grow. Involve students in the planning process to ensure that the garden reflects their interests and needs.

Secure funding and resources. Look for grants, donations, or partnerships with local organizations or businesses to support the garden’s development and maintenance.

Involve students in the garden project. Encourage students to take ownership of the garden by involving them in the planning, planting, and maintenance. Provide opportunities for leadership and teamwork.

Integrate the garden into the curriculum. Use the garden as a teaching tool to support academic learning and promote healthy lifestyles.

We Have Our School Garden! Now, How Do We  Maintain It?

Maintaining a school garden requires ongoing care and attention. Here are some tips to keep the garden healthy and productive:

Develop a maintenance plan. Create a schedule for watering, weeding, fertilizing, and pest management. Involve students in the maintenance activities to ensure that they take ownership of the garden.

Provide ongoing support and training for teachers and volunteers. Ensure that they have the knowledge and skills to maintain the garden and address any issues that may arise.

Use sustainable practices. Avoid the use of pesticides and herbicides, and use organic methods for weed and pest control. Compost garden waste to improve soil health.

Involve the wider community. Encourage families and community members to volunteer in the garden and participate in events such as harvest festivals or farmers’ markets.

What are Some Curriculum Ideas for School Gardens?

School gardens can be integrated into a range of subjects and learning activities. Here are some curriculum ideas for school gardens:

Science: Learn about plant growth, soil health, and the life cycle of plants.

Math: Use the garden to teach measurement, geometry, and data analysis.

Language arts: Write garden journals, poetry, or stories about the garden.

Social studies: Learn about the history of agriculture, food systems, and cultural traditions related to gardening.

Art: Use the garden as inspiration for art projects such as painting, sculpture, or photography.

Nutrition: Learn about the nutritional value of different fruits and vegetables, and use the garden to prepare healthy meals and snacks.

If you enjoyed this blog, please LIKE, Follow, Share & leave me a comment! I love your feedback!

If you aren’t following me on Facebook & Instagram go on over & give a LIKE & Follow me for daily tips & tricks for your home & garden! 

Added bonus: You can go to my blog at to purchase my original cookbook, Lovingly Seasoned Eats and Treats in either a spiral bound soft cover OR NEW, a Downloadable PDF version. The cookbook has almost 1000 recipes on almost 500 pages! Check out the Cookbook Testimonials while you’re there!

Until next time remember to,
Eat fresh, shop local & have a happy day,


Copyright Policy

All text and images on this site are copyright of For Dragonflies And Me. Unless otherwise noted, you may not use this content.