Personal Journey Coaching for Life, with Author Paula Lesso~ Certified Divorce Coach

Have you gone through a recent divorce or break up, & are having a difficult time moving on? Well, you are not alone.

Join Jean & Paula as they share their personal journeys through divorce, overcoming them, and how they’ve taken those potential stumbling blocks in life and have grown.

You can be all that you want to be, you may just need a bit of help getting there, and Paula can for sure be that help. With her sensitive and understanding nature, she will help guide you down a path to find happiness & fulfillment in your life… after divorce or a breakup.

Watch this episode at my YouTube Channel!


Paula published her book, “What are you Waiting For? Today’s the Best Day to Start Living!
What Are You Waiting For?
 was written to activate your mind, body, self-talk, and resilience. This, Paula Lesso’s first book, tells stories about a personal and professional journey to a period of awakening. She shares pain, difficulty, and a time of creativity and understanding how personal resilience makes the difference between extreme success and extreme failure. And throughout, the book offers life lessons to encourage change.

\Join Jean each week as she chats it up about  gardening, cooking, organizational tips & tricks, chatting about healthy lifestyles, and of course having conversations with incredible entrepreneurs!

About Paula…

No matter what, divorce stinks! Knowing how to assess the need for or navigate divorce gracefully is not something we inherently understand. 

Seemingly overnight what has been comfortable can become unbearable.  Where is the passion?  Where is the communication? What happened? Where did it go? When did it go? 

Paula was “comfortable” in her marriage for many years, and then it all changed in a blink of an eye. She took her situation and embarked upon a personal journey to find new comfort and started living her best life.  She now encourages other women to do the same. 

Whether it is a Go or No-Go scenario, in the throws of a divorce, or post divorce, Paula helps women find harmony, movement, and joy each and everyday. 

Paula leads an active lifestyle that includes Running CrossFit, Triathlons, Ballroom dancing, watching Sports (or playing them), and oddly enough she is a Foodie!

Here’s how to connect with Paula:
Email her at

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Happy Day,


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