Podcast with MoonMoon Ceramics, Owner & Artist Karleigh Thompson

Listen in as todays guest shares her journey into business ownership. From traveling to Ireland to a remote private art school to working at a senior center, and finally following her dream… this may be just the inspiration you’ve been looking for!

Some of you may remember my premiere podcast guest, Mr. Tim Travis, owner of Goldner Walsh Garden and Home. Well, Tim was having a wonderfully quaint artists market last December in one of his event greenhouses and invited me to attend… well, that was an easy sell LOL~ artists + market + food + shopping… well, you get the picture!

The market was showcasing several wonderful local artisans which was my cup of tea! I love markets, I love artisan handcrafted products, and I love to meet new people, especially entrepreneurs!

I admit, I also went looking for potential podcast guests, and I wasn’t disappointed. I met this wonderfully talented young woman who awed me with her beautifully crafted pottery. I’m a sucker for pottery… I have always loved the uniqueness of each piece… and again as I’ve mentioned in the past, I love one-of-a-kind anything. 

And that is where I met today’s guest, please let me introduce  Karleigh Thompson, Owner & Artist of MoonMoon Ceramics.
Welcome Karleigh! 

Click this LINK to listen & jump on over to my Facebook Event page to register FREE to listen to all my upcoming podcasts!

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Happy Day,

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