PODCAST~ Organization 101 Day 6: Zone Cleaning~ Let’s do this!

“It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.”

— Eleanor Roosevelt

Today’s podcast will be the 6th of 10 in my Organization 101 Series. The topic will focus on Zonal Cleaning.

Many of the topics I discuss in this series I learned from an incredible lady named Marla Cilley, A.K.A. The Flylady. Her book, “Sink Relection’s” taught me how to incorporate all this lessons. It was from the inspirations from her book how I developed my P.M.S. concept! So now lets get into today’s topic!

Organization has always been a major part of my personality. I remember growing up always wanting my things orderly. I would purchase little containers to put my make-up and hair accessories in. Even my photo albums were thoughtfully organized by date and events. Later in life I started scrapbooking which allowed me to organize my photos even more! There is a genuine sense of peace and satisfaction when everything has its place and everything is in its place. 

Which leads me into the next post in my Organization 101 Series. In my last article I explained The Walk Through and how you’ll incorporate it into Zonal Cleaning. I thought this one would come across more effectively in a Podcast, so here we go.

Click this LINK to go over and listen! Be sure to follow me here & there so you don’t miss a beat.

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Happy Day,

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