Garden Talks with Dawn Green, Horticulturist & Owner of Dawn Gardens, LLC.

Join Jean as she chats it up with Dawn Green, Horticulturist & Owner of Dawn Gardens, LLC.

Dawn & Jean are definitely kindred spirts as they both love anything involved with being in the dirt! Today they will discuss what they are both doing in their personal gardens, as well as professional.

About Dawn…

Dawn Green is a lifelong Michigander, minus a short stay in Alabama while she served in the Army. She grew up in the U.P. with Lake Superior and Tahquamenon Falls as her playgrounds. Growing up in a family of hunters, fishermen, and gardeners she learned quickly the grocery store was not the only source of food. She leaves the hunting and fishing to other family members, but gardening has always been her passion. She often says I says she not only has a green thumb, but is “green through and through”. She is the mother of two amazing young women and grandmother of 3 adorable grandchildren. She moved to Oakland County shortly after leaving the Army and has been here ever since.

To connect with Dawn, check her out at anyone of the following platforms:


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Remember to eat fresh, shop local, & have a happy day!


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