From Miniature Jungles to Tiny Forests: Unveiling the Top 10 Plants for Terrariums

Introduction to Terrariums

If you missed yesterdays blog post on How To Create & Maintain your own beautiful terrarium, then be sure to jump over there for the low down on how-to, then come back here for the best plants to get you started!

Terrariums have gained immense popularity as a unique and captivating way to bring the beauty of nature indoors. These miniature ecosystems create a sense of wonder and tranquility, making them a perfect addition to any home or office space. Whether you have a green thumb or are new to gardening, terrariums offer an opportunity to showcase your creativity and create your own little world.

Benefits of Terrariums

Terrariums offer a plethora of benefits, making them an increasingly popular choice among plant enthusiasts. One of the key advantages is their low-maintenance nature. These self-contained environments require minimal watering and can thrive in indirect light, making them suitable for those with busy schedules or limited access to natural sunlight.

Additionally, terrariums provide a unique opportunity for plant lovers to experiment with different plants and create stunning displays. The transparent walls of the terrarium allow for easy observation of the plants’ growth and development, adding an element of fascination to the overall experience.

Types of Terrariums

Terrariums come in various shapes and sizes, each offering its own charm and aesthetic appeal. The two most common types are open and closed terrariums.

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Open terrariums are ideal for plants that favor drier conditions as they allow for better air circulation. These terrariums resemble miniature landscapes and are often adorned with rocks, sand, and small figurines to create a visually appealing arrangement.

On the other hand, closed terrariums create a humid environment that mimics tropical conditions. These sealed ecosystems are perfect for plants that thrive in moist environments and require higher humidity levels. Closed terrariums are often enclosed in glass containers, allowing for a clear view of the lush greenery within.

Key Considerations for Choosing Plants for Terrariums

When selecting plants for your terrarium, it is essential to consider their growth habits, light requirements, and overall compatibility with the chosen terrarium type. Here are a few key considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Size: Choose plants that will fit well within the confines of your terrarium. Opt for smaller varieties or those that are known to stay compact.
  2. Light Requirements: Different plants have varying light requirements, ranging from low to bright indirect light. Ensure that the plants you choose are compatible with the available light source in your terrarium.
  3. Moisture Needs: Consider the humidity levels and watering requirements of the plants. Match plants that have similar needs to ensure they thrive in the terrarium environment.
  4. Growth Habit: Some plants are known to spread rapidly or have aggressive root systems. Avoid selecting plants that may outgrow the terrarium or compete for space with other plants.

Top 10 Plants for Terrariums

a. Fittonia (Nerve Plant): With its striking veined leaves, Fittonia adds a pop of color to any terrarium. It thrives in high humidity and prefers bright indirect light.

b. Pilea Peperomioides (Chinese Money Plant): This trendy plant features round, coin-like leaves and adds a touch of whimsy to terrariums. It prefers medium to bright indirect light.

c. Maranta leuconeura (Prayer Plant): Known for its vibrant foliage, the Prayer Plant folds its leaves at night, giving it a unique characteristic. It thrives in medium to bright indirect light.

d. Peperomia obtusifolia (Baby Rubber Plant): The Baby Rubber Plant has glossy, succulent-like leaves, making it a visually appealing addition to terrariums. It prefers bright indirect light.

e. Selaginella (Spikemoss): Selaginella is a prehistoric plant that adds a touch of lush greenery to terrariums. It thrives in humid environments and prefers bright indirect light.

f. Cryptanthus (Earth Star): Cryptanthus is a stunning bromeliad with striking foliage patterns. It thrives in medium to bright indirect light and prefers higher humidity levels.

g. Ferns (Various Varieties): Ferns are an excellent choice for terrariums due to their love for humidity and low-light conditions. Choose varieties such as Maidenhair Fern or Bird’s Nest Fern.

h. Haworthia (Zebra Cactus): Haworthia is a small succulent with distinctive white stripes that add visual interest to terrariums. It thrives in bright indirect light.

i. Tillandsia (Air Plants): Tillandsia are unique plants that do not require soil. They can be attached to driftwood or placed in glass globes within the terrarium. They prefer bright indirect light.

j. Pilea involucrata (Friendship Plant): The Friendship Plant features textured leaves with deep red veins, making it a striking addition to terrariums. It thrives in medium to bright indirect light.

Plant Care Tips for Terrariums

To ensure the longevity of your terrarium and the health of the plants within, follow these essential care tips:

  1. Watering: Avoid overwatering your terrarium as it can lead to root rot. Check the moisture levels by feeling the soil, and water only when it feels dry to the touch.
  2. Pruning: Regularly trim and remove any dead or yellowing leaves to maintain the overall health and appearance of the plants.
  3. Lighting: Position your terrarium in a location that provides the appropriate light conditions for the selected plants. Monitor the light levels and adjust as necessary.
  4. Cleaning: Keep the glass walls of your terrarium clean by gently wiping away any dust or fingerprints. This allows for maximum visibility and enjoyment of the plants.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Terrarium

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While terrariums are relatively low-maintenance, there are a few common mistakes that can hinder their success. Avoid these errors to ensure your terrarium thrives:

  1. Overcrowding: It can be tempting to fill every inch of the terrarium with plants, but overcrowding can lead to competition for resources and hinder growth. Give each plant enough space to flourish.
  2. Incompatible Plants: Ensure that the plants you select have similar light and moisture requirements. Mixing plants with differing needs can lead to one plant thriving at the expense of others.
  3. Improper Drainage: If your terrarium has an open design, ensure that it has proper drainage to prevent water from pooling at the bottom. This can lead to root rot and other issues.
  4. Neglecting Maintenance: Terrariums require regular care and attention. Neglecting to water, prune, or clean your terrarium can lead to the decline of the plants within.

Where to Buy Terrarium Plants

Terrarium plants can be sourced from various sources, including local nurseries, garden centers, and online retailers. It is essential to choose healthy plants that are free from pests or diseases. When purchasing online, ensure that the plants are carefully packaged to prevent damage during transit.

My favorite place is of course Goldner Walsh Garden and Home! Be sure to tell them Jean sent you!

DIY Terrarium Kits

For those who prefer a hassle-free approach, DIY terrarium kits are an excellent option. These kits typically include all the necessary materials, including plants, containers, and substrate. They often come with detailed instructions, making them suitable for beginners or those looking for a convenient way to create their own terrarium.

Now lets get you started!

Terrariums provide a captivating way to bring nature indoors and create stunning displays of plant life. With the right selection of plants and proper care, these miniature jungles or tiny forests can thrive in any space, adding beauty and tranquility to our surroundings. So why not embark on your own terrarium adventure and unleash your creativity in cultivating these enchanting mini-ecosystems? Happy terrarium gardening!

CTA: Explore our wide selection of terrarium plants and DIY kits to start your own miniature garden today.

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