Organization 101: Day 9 Room by Room Organization- Kitchen & Pantry

“One of the core organizing principles of my life is that success comes through a delicate balance between making things happen and letting things happen.”— Robin Sharma

I decided to extend my Organization 101 Series a bit for all of you. Lets now focus on room by room and discuss some techniques I know you’ll be able to utilize in getting your life & home where you want it to be!

Many of the topics I discuss in this series I learned from an incredible lady named Marla Cilley, A.K.A. The Flylady. Her book, “Sink Relections” taught me how to incorporate all these lessons.

It was from the inspirations from her book how I developed my P.M.S. concept! So now lets get into today’s topic!

During the month of February, I’ll touch on the most common rooms in our homes and give you tips & tricks on how-to organize and clean with purpose. I thought we’d start with the kitchen & pantry… So lets go to my mudroom/ pantry.

In Photo 5 you can see I added some useful storage space by simply adding a couple over-the-door hooks. I was able to store my broom, Swiffer, and a large step stool.

Also adding a coat rack relatively higher up on the wall allows the lower area to house a can where recyclables, a mat for shoes, and dustpan can easily be stored.

Of course to make it feel homey I added some of my botanical prints and a cozy seat cushion.

My kitchen, like in most homes, is the gathering place when family & friends stop by. It’s just so natural to lean on the counter while your friend grabs a seat at the bar top and chat it up. A lot of problems get solved in the kitchen, as well as happy memories made.

It’s where little boys get to lick the icing off the mixer beaters… where soap-bubble beards are made and wet towel ‘thwacks’ happen… yes the kitchen is the heart of the home… after all it’s where we nourish those we love.

The Family that cooks together, stays together!

I have to have my morning coffee friends!

See below for pics of my kitchen!

Would you like to hear the rest of this post and find out how I keep my kitchen organized? Well, click this LINK to go on over to my Podcast to listen! Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to me HERE & THERE so you don’t miss a beat!

Click this LINK for the downloadable PDF for my list of Tips & Tricks to get & keep your kitchen organized!

Keep posted for the next in the series as we look at Living Room & Hallway organization.

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Happy Day,


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