Organization 101 Day 8~ My fave organizer, The Flylady’s 27 Fling Boogie!

“One of the core organizing principles of my life is that success comes through a delicate balance between making things happen and letting things happen.”

— Robin Sharma

Today we will discuss clutter! I love the quote I used today as I feel it fits into today’s theme perfectly. What is clutter? Is one person’s clutter another person’s happiness? Well, I think there is a reasonable balance we can have in our homes.

Are you a minimalist, a collector, or somewhere in between? I admit, I am a collector.

In today’s post I’ll be discussing the 27 Fling Boogie, a term and system created by author Marla Cilley in her book Sink Reflections. 

I have utilized this tool for years!!! I found this book over ten years ago, and still live by so many of its principles. I developed my P.M.S. program from it. You are wondering what it is??? Well it is a book called “Sink Reflections, by Marla Cilley”, A.K.A. The Flylady

My entire organizational series is based on what I learned from this great book.

Marla talks a lot about clutter and how to avoid it. I have jokingly said in the past that I don’t really dislike what I categorize as ‘organized clutter’! The Flylady says there is no such thing but I disagree!