Educational Benefits of Baking with Kids!

Benefits of baking with kids!

As a mother of six kids I can honestly say I’ve spend oodles of hours in the kitchen with all of my children. Most of which were very enjoyable! Over the years my kids have grown into some pretty awesome cooks and bakers.

I currently teach gardening & cooking classes for kids, adults, & seniors at a local parks and recreations department. Which is where todays blog post idea came from. The kids in my classes really enjoy getting involved with the actually cooking and baking. Getting their hands dirty so to speak.

Baking with kids is not only a fun and enjoyable activity, but it also offers numerous benefits for their development. One of the main advantages of baking with kids is that it allows them to enhance their motor skills. From measuring ingredients to mixing and kneading dough, these activities require precision and coordination, which help children improve their hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.

Another benefit of baking with kids is that it promotes creativity. Baking is like a blank canvas where kids can let their imagination run wild. They can experiment with different flavors, colors, and decorations, fostering their creativity and allowing them to express themselves. Furthermore, baking also encourages problem-solving skills. When faced with a baking challenge or a recipe that doesn’t turn out as expected, kids learn to think critically and find solutions.

You might also be interested in How to Incorporate Kids Into Your Vegetable Garden & Kid Friendly Projects!

Educational benefits of baking with kids

Baking offers a wide range of educational benefits for kids. One of the main educational benefits is that it helps children learn about math and science in a practical and engaging way. When measuring ingredients, kids get hands-on experience with fractions, units of measurement, and proportions. They learn about the importance of precise measurements and how different ingredients interact with each other to create the desired outcome.

Baking also introduces kids to the concept of chemical reactions. They can witness firsthand how ingredients transform when exposed to heat, such as how dough rises or how eggs change their consistency when cooked. This sparks their curiosity and encourages them to ask questions about the science behind baking.

Moreover, baking can also teach kids important life skills, such as following instructions and practicing patience. By following a recipe step by step, kids learn the importance of reading and understanding directions. They also develop patience as they wait for the dough to rise or the cookies to bake, understanding that good things take time and effort.

Here is a our families favorite Chocolate Cookie Recipe

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Safety tips for baking with kids

While baking with kids is a fantastic activity, it’s important to ensure their safety in the kitchen. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind:

  • Supervision: Always supervise kids in the kitchen, especially when dealing with sharp objects or hot surfaces. Make sure they understand the potential dangers and teach them how to handle kitchen tools safely.
  • Proper Attire: Have kids wear appropriate clothing, such as an apron to protect their clothes, closed-toe shoes to prevent accidents, and tie back long hair to avoid it getting caught in equipment.
  • Hand Washing: Teach kids the importance of washing their hands before and after handling food to prevent the spread of bacteria.
  • Heat and Fire Safety: Teach kids about the dangers of hot surfaces, oven mitts, and open flames. Make sure they understand how to safely handle hot pans, use oven mitts, and never touch a hot stove.
  • Food Allergies: If baking with kids who have allergies, ensure that all ingredients are safe for them. Read labels carefully and avoid cross-contamination.

By following these safety tips, you can create a safe and enjoyable baking experience for you and your kids.

Essential tools and ingredients for baking with kids

To have a successful baking experience with kids, it’s important to have the right tools and ingredients on hand. Here are some essential items you’ll need:

  • Mixing Bowls: Have a variety of mixing bowls in different sizes to accommodate different recipes. Plastic bowls are ideal for young children as they are lightweight and less likely to break.
  • Measuring Cups and Spoons: Invest in a set of measuring cups and spoons specifically designed for kids. These usually come in bright colors and have clear markings, making it easier for kids to measure ingredients accurately.
  • Whisk and Spatula: A whisk is essential for mixing ingredients thoroughly, while a spatula is useful for scraping the sides of bowls and folding in ingredients gently.
  • Baking Pans and Sheets: Depending on the recipes you choose, you’ll need a variety of baking pans and sheets. Cake pans, muffin tins, and cookie sheets are some common options.
  • Ingredients: Stock up on basic baking ingredients such as flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, eggs, butter, and vanilla extract. Having these essentials on hand will allow you to bake a wide range of recipes with your kids.

By having the right tools and ingredients, you’ll be well-prepared for a successful and enjoyable baking session with your little ones.

Choosing age-appropriate recipes for baking with kids

When baking with kids, it’s important to choose recipes that are suitable for their age and skill level. Here are some factors to consider when selecting age-appropriate recipes

  • Complexity: Start with simple recipes that have fewer steps and require minimal kitchen equipment. As kids gain confidence and skills, you can gradually introduce more complex recipes.
  • Time: Choose recipes that have shorter baking times, especially for younger children who may have shorter attention spans. Quick and easy recipes such as cookies or muffins are great options.
  • Familiarity: Opt for recipes that include ingredients and flavors your kids enjoy. This will make the baking experience more enjoyable and increase their interest in the process.
  • Visual Appeal: Select recipes that yield visually appealing results. Kids are more likely to be excited about baking when they see the end product looking delicious and attractive.

Remember, the goal is to make baking a positive and enjoyable experience for kids, so choose recipes that align with their interests and abilities.

Fun and creative baking activities for kids

Baking with kids doesn’t have to be limited to following recipes. There are plenty of fun and creative activities you can incorporate into your baking sessions. Here are some ideas:

  • Decorating: Allow kids to unleash their creativity by decorating cookies, cupcakes, or cakes. Provide them with different colored icings, sprinkles, and edible decorations to let their imagination soar.
  • Shape and Design: Use cookie cutters in various shapes to create fun and unique treats. Kids can help cut out the shapes and decorate them afterward.
  • Theme-based Baking: Choose a specific theme for your baking session, such as holidays, seasons, or favorite characters. This adds an element of excitement and encourages kids to get involved.
  • Baking Competitions: Turn baking into a friendly competition by dividing into teams and challenging each other to create the best dessert. This fosters teamwork and adds an extra level of fun.
  • Recipe Creation: Let kids create their own recipes by allowing them to choose ingredients and experiment with flavors. This empowers them to be creative and gives them a sense of ownership over their creations.

Incorporating these fun and creative activities into your baking sessions will make the experience more enjoyable and memorable for both you and your kids.

Teaching kids about measuring and following recipes

One of the essential skills kids can learn through baking is the art of measuring and following recipes accurately. Here are some tips to help you teach kids about measurements and recipe following:

  • Explain the Importance: Start by explaining why precise measurements are crucial in baking. Show them how different quantities of ingredients can affect the outcome of a recipe.
  • Demonstrate Measuring Techniques: Show kids how to properly measure ingredients using measuring cups and spoons. Teach them to level off dry ingredients and measure liquids at eye level.
  • Let them Take the Lead: As kids become more confident, allow them to take the lead in measuring ingredients. Supervise and assist when needed, but encourage them to do it themselves.
  • Read and Understand the Recipe: Teach kids how to read and understand a recipe before starting. Show them how to identify the ingredients and steps involved, emphasizing the importance of following directions.
  • Step-by-Step Guidance: Break down the recipe into manageable steps and guide kids through each one. Explain the purpose of each step and how it contributes to the overall outcome.

By teaching kids about measuring and following recipes, you are not only imparting valuable life skills but also instilling in them a sense of confidence and independence in the kitchen.

Incorporating math and science into baking with kids

Baking provides an excellent opportunity to incorporate math and science concepts into a hands-on learning experience. Here are some ways to incorporate math and science into baking with kids:

  • Measurement and Fractions: Baking involves precise measurements, which allows kids to practice their math skills. Ask them to convert measurements, double or halve recipes, or work with fractions when measuring ingredients.
  • Temperature and Time: Baking requires understanding temperature and time concepts. Discuss with kids how different temperatures affect the baking process and how they can adjust baking times accordingly.
  • Chemical Reactions: Baking involves chemical reactions that transform ingredients into delicious treats. Explain to kids how yeast causes dough to rise or how baking powder reacts with acid to create bubbles in a cake.
  • Counting and Sequencing: Baking often involves counting and sequencing steps. Ask kids to count the number of eggs or the number of times they need to mix the batter.
  • Problem Solving: Encourage kids to problem-solve when faced with challenges in the kitchen. For example, if a cake sinks, discuss possible reasons and solutions, fostering critical thinking skills.

Incorporating math and science concepts into baking not only makes the learning process more engaging but also helps kids understand the practical applications of these subjects in everyday life.

Baking with kids for special occasions

Baking with kids can be a wonderful way to celebrate special occasions and create lasting memories. Here are some ideas for baking with kids during different occasions:

  • Birthdays: Let kids take charge of baking their own birthday cake. Allow them to choose the flavor, decorations, and even help with the frosting.
  • Holidays: Bake festive treats for holidays such as Christmas, Halloween, or Easter. Get creative with themed cookies, cupcakes, or cakes, and involve kids in the entire process.
  • Family Gatherings: Baking can be a great way to contribute to family gatherings. Have kids prepare a favorite family recipe and share it with their loved ones.
  • School Events: If there’s a bake sale or school event, encourage kids to bake goodies to contribute. This not only helps them develop a sense of responsibility but also allows them to contribute to their community.
  • Random Acts of Kindness: Bake treats with kids to give to neighbors, friends, or community members as random acts of kindness. This teaches kids the joy of giving and spreading happiness.

By baking with kids on special occasions, you create meaningful experiences and teach them the importance of sharing and celebration.

Creating lifelong memories through baking with kids

Baking with kids is not just about making delicious treats; it’s about creating lifelong memories and valuable learning experiences. From enhancing motor skills to fostering creativity, baking provides numerous benefits for children’s development. It allows them to explore math and science concepts, teaches them important life skills, and instills a sense of confidence and independence in the kitchen.

By following safety tips, having the right tools and ingredients, and choosing age-appropriate recipes, you can create a fun and educational baking experience for your kids. Incorporating fun and creative activities, teaching kids about measurements and following recipes, and integrating math and science concepts further enriches the experience.

Whether baking for special occasions or simply enjoying quality time together, baking with kids creates moments that will be cherished for a lifetime. So grab your aprons, gather the ingredients, and embark on a baking adventure with your little ones. Start mastering the art of baking with kids today and create memories that will last a lifetime.

CTA: Discover more fun and educational activities to enjoy with your kids! Check out our website for exciting ideas and inspiration.

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Cheers to the Holidays: Unleash Your Inner Mixologist with These Yummy Drinks~ with non-alcoholic variations!

Introduction to festive drink recipes

Whether you indulge in spirits or not, you’re sure to find a few recipes to show off your inner mixologist in today’s blog post!

The holiday season is upon us, and what better way to celebrate than by becoming your own mixologist and whipping up some festive drinks? Whether you’re hosting a holiday party or simply want to treat yourself to a special drink, these 5 festive drink recipes are sure to impress. From cozy hot toddies to sparkling holiday punches, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. So grab your shaker and let’s get mixing!

Importance of being your own mixologist during the holidays

Being your own mixologist during the holidays has many advantages. First and foremost, it allows you to customize your drinks to suit your taste preferences. You can experiment with different flavors, adjust the sweetness level, and even add a personal touch with unique garnishes. This level of customization ensures that your drinks are exactly how you like them, making the holiday season even more enjoyable.

Furthermore, being your own mixologist allows you to save money. Instead of splurging on expensive cocktails at bars or restaurants, you can create your own festive drinks at a fraction of the cost. With a well-stocked bar and a few key ingredients, you’ll be able to impress your guests without breaking the bank.

Key ingredients for creating festive drinks

Before we dive into the recipes, let’s talk about the key ingredients you’ll need to create festive drinks. These ingredients will serve as the foundation for your concoctions and add that special holiday touch.

  1. Spices: Cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and ginger are essential spices for creating festive drinks. They add warmth and depth of flavor that perfectly captures the holiday spirit.
  2. Fruit: Fresh citrus fruits like oranges and lemons are great for adding a burst of brightness to your drinks. Cranberries and pomegranates are also popular choices for their vibrant colors and tartness.
  3. Liquors: Whiskey, rum, and vodka are versatile liquors that can be used as the base for many festive drinks. Consider stocking your bar with a variety of options to cater to different taste preferences.
  4. Sweeteners: Syrups, honey, and sugar are commonly used to add sweetness to drinks. Agave nectar and maple syrup are great alternatives that can bring unique flavors to your creations.

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Now that we have our ingredients ready, let’s dive into the festive drink recipes!

For those of you who are celebrating an early holiday meal such as a brunch or lunch, be sure to include a hot cocoa & coffee option!

Peppermint Hot Cocoa!
1 1/4 cup whole white milk
1/2 cup milk chocolate, shredded finely
3/4 cup peppermint schnapps
1 cup mint chocolate ice cream
1 cup ice
1 cup heavy whipping cream
1/4 cup organic sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
Shaved dark chocolate
2 TBSP Chopped peppermint candy- broken candy canes work great!

1. In a small saucepan place the milk and cook on medium-low heat to scald.
Stir in both the milk and the milk chocolate and stir until completely melted. Remove from heat and set aside to cool for about 20 to 30 minutes. Set in fridge until chilled for about 45 to 60 minutes.
2. While the cocoa is chilling, make the whipped topping: Place all ingredients for whipped cream into a mixing bowl and whip with an electric hand mixer until stiff peaks form; place in refrigerator until ready to use.
3. In a blender add chilled hot cocoa, peppermint schnapps, ice cream, and ice; blend on high until completely mixed. Pour into 2 mugs and top with the whipped cream.
4. Garnish drink with a sprinkle of the shaved chocolate & peppermint candy. Serve immediately.

Non-alcoholic version: Exchange the Peppermint Schnapps with mint or peppermint extract, mint Italian soda syrup, or mint leaves. 

Vanilla Bean Irish Coffee!
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 TBSP powdered sugar
1 cup~ 8 ounces freshly brewed coffee
1 1/2 cup or 12 ounces Kahlua or Irish Cream Liquor
1 1/4 cup or 10 ounces heavy cream, partially whipped

1. Stir the vanilla extract and sugar into the hot coffee until dissolved.
2. Divide the coffee into 4 cups; add the Kahlua or Irish Cream between the cups equally.
3. Top each glass with partially whipped cream and gently stir; serve immediately.

Non-alcoholic version: To substitute Kahlua, consider alternatives such as coffee extracts, non-alcoholic coffee syrups, instant coffee, chocolate syrup, or cocoa-based mixtures.

Holiday Cosmopolitan
3/4 cup Blue Raspberry Vodka
1/2 ounce Cointreau
1/4 cup cranberry juice
1 lime, juiced~ about 2 TBSP
Lime twists from 1 lime

1. Place all ingredients except garnish into a cocktail shaker and fill it with ice; shake vigorously for about 1 minute.
2. Strain the mixture into 2 cocktail glasses and garnish with lime twist.

Non-alcoholic version:Non Alcoholic Vodka: I use Seedlip Spice 94, it has a beautiful botanical flavor to it. Other varieties include Strykk, CleanCo, and Arkay (which I have not tested).
Non Alcoholic Orange Liqueur: I use and recommend Lyre’s Orange Sec, it is the best alcohol free
version I know of.

The Gentleman
1 cup or 8 ounces Cognac
1/2 cup or 4 ounces Drambuie
2 lemons, juiced or about 2-3 TBSP
1 cup or 8 ounces ginger beer
6-8 fresh sage leaves

1. Pour the cognac, Drambuie, and lemon juice into four old fashioned glasses filled with ice; Stir each drink and tip with the ginger beer.
2. Garnish with sage leaves and serve immediately.

Non-alcoholic version:To substitute the cognac, try juices which are easy to find, and there are many varieties. The flavor is entirely up to you, but the juices that work the best are pear, apple, apricot, and peach. Vanilla extract and apple cider vinegar have often been used to mimic the taste of bourbon in recipes.

Raspberry Mojito
20 raspberries
12 mint leaves
4 tsp organic sugar
1 cup or 8 ounces light rum
2 limes, juiced or about 2-3 TBSP
24 ounce container club soda
16 mint leaves

1. Divide the raspberries, mint, and sugar between 4 highball glasses; muddle together in each glass.
2. Add ice and top with rum, lime juice, and club soda divided equally between the 4 glasses; stir
3. Garnish with mint leaves and serve immediately.

Non-alcoholic version: there are many alternative options available outside of rum extract. A few popular substitutes include vanilla and almond extract or amaretto, coffee liqueur, apple cider vinegar, and ginger beer.

Tips for garnishing and presentation

Now that you have your festive drinks ready, it’s time to take them to the next level with garnishes and presentation. Here are some tips to make your drinks look as good as they taste:

  1. Fresh herbs: Sprigs of rosemary, mint, or thyme can add a pop of color and freshness to your drinks. Simply give them a quick rinse and place them on the rim or float them on top.
  2. Fruit slices: Thinly sliced citrus fruits or berries make for beautiful garnishes. They can be placed on the rim of the glass or skewered on a cocktail pick.
  3. Edible flowers: If you want to add an elegant touch to your drinks, consider using edible flowers as garnishes. Orchids, pansies, and nasturtiums are all safe options that can elevate the presentation.
  4. Drinkware: Choosing the right glassware can make a big difference in how your drinks are perceived. Consider using festive-themed glasses or vintage-inspired coupes for a touch of sophistication.

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Cheers to the holidays and your newfound mixology skills! By becoming your own mixologist, you can create festive drinks that are not only delicious but also personalized to your taste. Remember to experiment with different flavors, garnishes, and presentation techniques to truly make your drinks shine. So gather your friends and family, raise a glass, and enjoy the holiday season with these 5 festive drink recipes. Cheers!

CTA: Now it’s time to unleash your inner mixologist and get creative with these festive drink recipes. Grab your shaker, gather your ingredients, and start mixing! Don’t forget to share your creations with us in the comments below. Cheers to a joyful and delicious holiday season!

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Remember to eat fresh, shop local, & have a happy day,


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Some of My Families Favorite Holiday Cookie Recipes: Introduction to holiday cookies and the festive season

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and indulgence. It’s a time when we gather with loved ones, exchange gifts, and create lasting memories. And what better way to add to the festive spirit than with delicious holiday cookies? Baking cookies during this time of year has become a beloved tradition for many, filling our homes with the heavenly scent of warm, freshly baked treats. Whether you’re an experienced baker or just starting out, our top 10 holiday cookie recipes are sure to delight your taste buds and spread holiday cheer.

The joy of baking during the holidays

There is something truly magical about baking during the holidays. It’s a time when the kitchen becomes the heart of the home, filled with laughter, warmth, and the sweet aroma of baked goods. The act of baking itself can be incredibly therapeutic and rewarding.

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Mixing the ingredients, watching the dough come together, and seeing the transformation in the oven is a true labor of love. And when you finally take that first bite of a freshly baked cookie, it’s pure bliss. Baking during the holidays allows us to tap into our creativity, express our love for others, and create delicious treats that bring joy to those around us.

Benefits of baking holiday cookies at home

Baking holiday cookies at home has numerous benefits. Firstly, it allows you to control the ingredients and customize the recipes to suit your taste preferences. You can choose to use organic, high-quality ingredients, ensuring that your cookies are not only delicious but also nutritious. Secondly, baking at home is a cost-effective option compared to buying pre-packaged cookies. You can make a large batch of cookies at a fraction of the cost, saving you money while still indulging in the festive spirit. Lastly, baking cookies at home is a wonderful way to spend quality time with your loved ones. It’s an opportunity to bond, create memories, and pass down family recipes from one generation to the next.

Top 10 holiday cookie recipes

  1. My Grandmothers best Graham Cookie recipe! This has been a family favorite for years and is super easy no bake recipe you can include your kids & grandkids in helping!
  2. Check out my BLOG with several of my favorite holiday cookie recipes!
  3. Here is our families favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe!
  4. Check out my recipes for an extra special cookie, Lavender Cookies & Lemon Basil Cookies!

Enjoy the holiday season with delicious homemade cookies

The holiday season is a time of celebration and indulgence, and what better way to embrace the festive spirit than with homemade cookies? Whether you’re baking classic sugar cookies, tangy cranberry orange cookies, or rich Nutella stuffed cookies, our top 10 holiday cookie recipes are sure to bring joy to your home and loved ones. So, gather your ingredients, preheat your oven, and let the magic of baking fill your home this holiday season. Happy baking!

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CTA: Share your favorite holiday cookie recipe in the comments below and spread the joy of baking this festive season!

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Remember to eat fresh, shop local, & have a happy day,


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