PODCAST: Eva Clara, Executive Coach for Sensitive Leaders & Entrepreneurs.

Join me today as I chat it up with Eva Clara, Executive Coach for Sensitive Leaders & Entrepreneurs.

Eva coaches sensitive high achievers to embrace their unique gifts so they can have the impact, freedom and success they desire. She has a master’s degree in somatic psychotherapy as well as life coach certification, and works with sensitive leaders across a wide variety of industries, including Fortune 500 companies, universities, hospitals and startups. She brings a mix of playfulness, deep listening and strategic thinking to her work, and helps sensitive high achievers turn their sensitivity into a superpower.

Click this LINK to listen & be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode!

About Eva Clara:

You have everything you thought you wanted.

BUT—your life feels dry and flat. You want to feel lit up and inspired by your work and relationships. You don’t know how to bridge the gap between your black-and-white reality and the Technicolor version you know is possible…

That’s where I come in.

I can help you flesh out the vision for your ideal life and create the structure and support you need to make it a reality.

Ready to take the next step?

I am currently offering complimentary introductory sessions for new clients!

I offer a complimentary first session for people who are interested in working together, so they can get a taste of what it’s like to work with me by talking through somewhere they’re feeling stuck, or a dream they have for their life. By the end of that session I have a road map for how I would want to work together, which generally involves a practical strategic component and an emotional component.

Clients who are interested in their classes will have a variety of options and paces they could join in at their own desire or inquiry. Classes that are good for beginners and led at an accessible pace as well as relaxing, in addition offering classes that are challenging and active.

Everyone at their own pace and intuitive wisdom are welcome to join and connect with their own inner sage.

Leadership & Executive Coaching

You’ve worked so hard to get where you are.

You put in so much time and effort and HUSTLED to be successful and that dream has come true—but you’re not happy. You thought your success would bring fulfillment, but instead you find yourself going through the motions, feeling drained. Your life is barreling ahead at full speed and you’re wondering where that leaves you…

Dating & Relationship Coaching

You’re at the top of your game professionally…but despite all the effort you’ve put in, you still haven’t cracked the relationship code…and sometimes you wonder if there’s something wrong with you.

I work with ambitious, creative, successful people who’ve done all the ‘right’ things to put themselves out there, but they’ve been missing the secret sauce that makes it all work–vulnerability.

In order to have satisfying relationships, you have to be willing to be vulnerable.

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Happy Day,

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