How to Make Chicken Caesar Salad with only 5 Ingredients~ YOUTUBE Video

“Cooking is like love, it should be entered into with complete abandon or not at all.” – Harriet Van Horne

This is a super quick & easy recipe, yet satisfying as a meal! With just 5 ingredients, you can have a complete meal in short order! What’s your favorite salad?

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Ingredients: Yields 4 servings about 2 cups each

4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cooked, cooled & cut into bite size chunks

1~ 5 ounce back of croutons, Caesar flavored

1 1/2 cups shredded parmesan cheese

1~ 16 ounce bottle of your favorite Caesar dressing. I prefer Kraft

1 large or 2 small head of Romaine lettuce, cut into bite size pieces

Check out my video on how to pan fry the chicken if you don’t want to bake it!

1. In a 350 degree oven, bake chicken breasts until done. You’ll know they are done when the juices run clear; cool and cut into bite size pieces.

2. In a large bowl, add all ingredients except the dressing; toss to mix evenly.

3. When you are ready to serve, add the dressing mixing thoroughly.

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Added bonus: You can go to my blog at to purchase my original cookbook, Lovingly Seasoned Eats and Treats. The cookbook has almost 1000 recipes on almost 500 pages! Check out the Cookbook Testimonials while you’re there!

Until next time remember to

Eat fresh, shop local & have a happy day,


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